Saturday, June 15, 2019

Introduction to Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Introduction to Information Systems - Essay ExampleIn this scenario we have two approaches i.e. coordinate and object oriented growing. In object-oriented development approach we go away pursue new-made evolutionary development scheme where we will be able to tendency and develop the carcass in a way to better analyze its overall development lifecycle. On the other hand we have the traditional incorporated approach that follows a more rigid or inflexible development lifecycle that is well suited for small scale projects. The business of WBY Ltd is evolving mean solar day by day and having much better performance requirements through the new web based E-Commerce system. In this scenario the application of traditional structured approach desire waterfall will not be best fit for such project. In this scenario we will prefer to use the new object oriented development approach like Spiral development methodology where we will have better control and management facilities through this methodology for the WBY Ltd business new E-Commerce development approach.For WBY Ltds E-Commerce system development we have two choices (structured and object oriented development approaches). If we implement object oriented development approach we will get quicker development of the system under consideration. Additionally, we will be able to get facility of reprocess of earlier work that will lessen work load significantly. consequently we will be able to take advantage of increased quality of the developed system. The use of the object oriented development approach will sally better facility in case of development of Client/Server Applications. We will as well be capable to better plan to the caper domain using this development methodology. However the use of object oriented development approach will also present some problems for the WBY Ltd business new E-Commerce system development. Here the main problem we can face is the complexity of development

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